Grade prognos (2 replies)

1 year ago
DY 1 year ago

Hallo, all.

How I can prognos grade tails if grade ore will be changed?

For example:

Ore: 1 gpt, 100tph;

Concentrate: 20 gpt, 4 tph;

Tails 0,21 gpt, 96 tph.


What I get if ore will be 1,5 gpt, or 0,8 gpt? circuit not change.

1 year ago
Mike 1 year ago

Simple answer you cannot predict with any reasonable degree of accuracy.  To be confident you need to do laboratory tests.

You can make a guess using the standard metallurgical balance equation.



1 year ago
DY 1 year ago

Thank you.

As far as I know. If grade in feed increases, then increase value of recovery and grade in tailings.

In unofficial sources I saw formula where t2=t1*√f2/√f1. Unfortunately, I do not find official confirmation of this.

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