HOW TO: Froth depth change (3 replies and 3 comments)

7 years ago
Pabloski 7 years ago

Hi people,

I want to undergo a flotation test to analyse the impact of froth depth over recovery, as well as the impact of air flow and rotor speed.

My question is: What ways do I have to modify froth depth?

Any recommendations on how to approach this study it will be appreciated greatly, thanks.

Mike Rockandel
7 years ago
Mike Rockandel 7 years ago

you have change the depth in the cell and possibly the air flowrate. main control though is the freeboard between pulp level and lip.

7 years ago

Apparently air flow rate is the key, thanks for comment!

7 years ago
Robert 7 years ago
  • Is this lab or plant evaluation?
  • Do you have forced air or induced air mechanical flotation machine?
  • You may be able to independently change cell level and aeration rate.
  • With induced air, the cell level and aeration rate are related.
  • With induced air, the rotor speed and aeration rate are related.
  • Don't ignore grade. You should see a grade-recovery response.
7 years ago

Is this lab or plant evaluation? It is a lab evaluation with aims of industrial tresting
Do you have forced air or induced air mechanical flotation machine? forced air, with no possibility of air flow change

Great comments. We have fixed air flow rate and fixed rotor speed.. so what I expect with this lab tests is to create an opportunity, and present it to make it happen (if everything goes as I expect)


7 years ago
Frank 7 years ago
1 like by David


The first concept that needs to be understood here is that of the Froth Equilibrium Height or FEH.  Every condition of frother addition, frother type and air rate will cause the froth to grow to a certain height (assuming it is not removed).  This height is the froth equilibrium height.  Increasing the air or frother dosage will cause this equilibrium height to increase.  Changing the type of frother will also cause this equilibrium height to change.  The FEH is the maximum height you can achieve.  So you cannot increase the froth depth anymore than the FEH.

So if you want to understand the effects of air rate increases or frother dosage increase, first understand how these change the FEH.  Once you understand the FEH concept and how to manipulate it, then you can run better tests to understand the effects of froth depth changes.  To get the most out of your experiments, you should always try to record the froth depth not only in cm's, but as a % of the FEH.  Conducting a test with a froth depth that is 2 cms would be completely different if that 2 cms represents 50% or 80% of the FEH.  So start with the FEH and we can discuss what next if you would like more input.

7 years ago

Thanks for the input, Frank.. It makes a lot of sense, it will help me to know how am I related to my FEH.

Could this FEH be calculated using standard frother dosage and measuring its height? and then measure the impact of every modification (air flow, rotor speed, etc) based on the FEH that I measured initially? I hope the question it´s clear enough, thanks!

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