Hydrocarbon or chemical (1 reply)

3 years ago
Teggry 3 years ago

Hi, I am setting up a intrinsically safe zone for our PAX mixing and was going to put a spill kit in the area. I was told by a metallurgist that a Hydrocarbon Spill kit would do as opposed to a chemical spill kit. Is this plausible?

3 years ago
Mike 3 years ago

It really depends on what you are storing and using.  First off there are three main types of spill kits, hydrocarbon, chemical, and general purpose. 

Hydrocarbon kits are general kept around furl storage and refueling stations, and may be required by local regulations depending on the quantity and frequency of use.  

Chemical kits are often tailored for the specific chemicals involve ( say cyanide versus acid leaching).  Again local regulations will often dictate the requirements.

For small operations with limited fuel storage or chemical storage a general purpose kit may suffice.

The metallurgist maybe correct, but a local environmental expert would be a better source of information.

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