Iron Rich Iron Bearing ores (2 replies and 2 comments)

2 years ago
Arip 2 years ago

Hi Guys, I am designing a CIP circuit for a plant in Tanzania, the lab PPM report has these results

Ag 45, Cu 17, Fe 22,000, S 215, Mn 84, Au 10

Is there a need to put up a frother to remove the Fe before the CIP circuit or a magnetit machine will do the work.




2 years ago
Mike 2 years ago
1 like by David

I think you mean a flotation circuit instead of frother, but that said you should do some lab testing to see the impact on circuit design.  This is partialy from the second part of your question on a magnetite machine, I think you mean a magnetic separator.  Magnetic separators only recover/remove magnetite forms of iron, and you have not said what type of mineral species you have.  

Actually I would be more concerned about the copper being a solution robber.

2 years ago

Thanks, its mainly iron oxide, and what about the copper I think maintaining PH above 10.6 will eliminate the copper problem, what do you think sir, thanks

2 years ago
David 2 years ago

Why would pH >10.6 will eliminate the copper leaching problem?

At 17 ppm Cu, you have nothing to worry about anyway.

Have done any leaching lab tests or are you improvising?

2 years ago

We have not done lab test for leaching, the issue is the iron oxide how do we treat it before leaching, maintaining copper above 10.6ph hinders copper being leached into our cynade solution

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