Laboratory Flotation Machine Impeller Size (6 replies)

Marshal Meru
8 years ago
Marshal Meru 8 years ago

Of one of our laboratory flotation test we found that the smaller impeller in 1000 gram tank, produce more mass pull (about 10%) compare to the larger impeller in 2000 gram tank. Is this normal for bench flotation test?

8 years ago
Obergruppenfuhrer 8 years ago

If you kept the air rate and the frother addition rate the same, and used a smaller sample (1kg vs. 2kg), than this would be expected!

Paul Morrow
8 years ago
Paul Morrow 8 years ago

Can you give some idea of the tank size in litres, tank diameter, the impeller size and the RPM at which you operated the two tests and if possible the froth depth.

Marshal Meru
8 years ago
Marshal Meru 8 years ago

We use Denver D12 - standard steel cells. The froth depth is controlled at about 1 inch.

8 years ago
Hauptsturm 8 years ago

There is more air per unit cross sectional area in a smaller cell than a larger cell so you expect more mass pull in a smaller cell if volume flow rate of air is the same for both cells assuming of course same frothed, collector and solids mass across cells.

8 years ago
(unknown) 8 years ago

Not sufficient information provided to assess if the observation falls in the expected category. It is presumed that you are using a Denver D12 flotation machine? There is only one type of D2 (large) impellor. There are two types of D1 (small) impellor. Which D1 impellor was used? Speed (scale-up) between the two impellors matters too!

Finally, is-it the same mass in both cases? If so, the 1000 g cell size would give a higher mass recovery due to higher density for same flotation time due to entrainment.

8 years ago
David 8 years ago

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