MnO2 Manganese Dioxide Flotation (3 replies and 1 comment)

Tarun Karakoti
8 years ago
Tarun Karakoti 8 years ago

In INDIA we have huge dumps of low grades from 20 to 40%. Example 25, 25, 25 MnO2, SiO2, FE2O3 --how to upgrade, and to what extent!Does anyone have experience in floating Manganese dioxide and what Chemicals are used.

8 years ago
(unknown) 8 years ago

Have you looked at:

"beneficiation of low grade manganese ore fines"?

8 years ago
Oberstorm 8 years ago

Historically, methods used are gravity, magnetic and dense media separation. MnO is relatively dense and usually the problem is ferruginous matter. Could you please elaborate further?

Tarun Karakoti
8 years ago
Tarun Karakoti 8 years ago

I do have experience in what you say. Today we are looking for waste management and low grade processing. Many free silica and silicates are there in low grade ores. I know how to float Free Silica, through column flotation but I heard that even MnO2, MnO can be floated. If it is so we can produce 70% grade which has 100 demand and market for huge profits in Rs 6lakhs/ton -$ 1 lakh per ton.

We have developed Cacination furnaces for producing Mno, trying for electrolysis process too for Mnso4. Today low grade ores pose problems for pollution, and economics.

5 years ago

Sir, I am in Zambia and looking for a processing plant to produce 77% MnO2 from our Manganese Mine. Can you please guide us

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