Paper deinking flotation machine (17 replies and 30 comments)

8 years ago
Mostafa 8 years ago

Dear David,
hope you are fine,and i have an very important question about Denver DR flotation machine can i use it in paper de-inking process as a flotation cell because the microprocess are the same in mineral flotation and de-inking flotation and under the parameters required to produce fine air bubble to capture ink particle and dirt stickies and i make a small module like this and it was good but now i need to know the feed pipe diameter to get 116 m3/h flow rate per cell in denver flotation machine type dr300 ,so can you tell me the velocity of flow or diameter of pipe to make a good mixing between pulp and air .please i am really need your help in this question ..


8 years ago
David 8 years ago

Hi Mostafa, 

If a gravity feed, a 25 to 30 cm diameter pipe would certainly do.

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8 years ago

Dear David,
this is diameter for feed pipe for total flow rate about 580m3/h of bank of flotation cell and whats is the dimensions of the impeller used in dr300 denver flotation as blades length and height and the width of the integrated end of the blades and diffuser out diameter and there is a picture of the cell.

8 years ago
David 8 years ago

Mostafa, I guess I do not understand your question(s).

Please restate what you need. thanks.

+ this drawing here may help.

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8 years ago
8 years ago
Mostafa 8 years ago

Dear David,

 Can this flotation machine dr300 work in paper deinking flotation cell and is this drawing essential for paper deinking 


8 years ago
David 8 years ago

These are DR 300 drawings. 

I know nothing about paper de-inking, Mostafa. BUT if you tested this in a Lab on standard D12 or similar; the DR 300 will work the same.


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8 years ago

ok, i have read more patent on paper deinking using this lab machine, so the mill scale will work in paper deinking ..and can you send the drawing of denver dr300 with impeller and diffuser dimension to be more clearly than the other one

8 years ago
David 8 years ago

Everything I have is at

Click the links on the page for PDFs for the drawings.

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8 years ago

If this does not work, contact Aammar Abdullah, Product Support Engineer, Process Equipment, Metso Minerals, York PA at

8 years ago

Dear david, thanks for you help ..and you tell that if i tried D12 and worked in paper deinking ,so i can used denver dr300 in paper deinkng because they are the same ..thanks alot

8 years ago

The mail you send is not avalible can you check it again and send it for me

8 years ago
8 years ago
David 8 years ago

The D12 test results can be used to scale-up the DR300.

If you see good results on the D12, you'll be OK with a DR 300 or appropriate other size.

You should not buy industrial size machines without first testing in the laboratory.  The "D" in D12 and DR300 stands for Denver... now Metso.  Same technology. 

Do you have a D12 to test with? Or a Laboratory  to use?

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8 years ago

can you send me how the gravity flow between cells and the drawing of connecting boxes between cells

8 years ago
David 8 years ago

LOL you must think I work for Metso Mostafa.

Here is the best and only drawing PDF I have on DR300

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8 years ago

LOL...thanks for your answer ..something else; another drawing for diffuser used for impeller with 9 vanes in dr300 flotation...

8 years ago
David 8 years ago

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8 years ago

yes i see it already but the internal diameter of diffuser and outer diameter not clearly please tell me the dimesions and i want also to make the feed pipe in like this picture and need to know it's diameter and it's position in side the tank (height)

8 years ago

Are you trying to 'clone' or fabricate a DR-300?

8 years ago

trying to clone a one to ensure that if i buy an industrial cells it will work so. can you help me

8 years ago

I do not have the information you are looking for. Engineering is about good guessing and good estimating... you will need to test your "Engineering" skills with what you have now.

8 years ago

ok i do it but to be ensure i need the last two things i asked you .the last thing

8 years ago
David 8 years ago

Mostafa, as I said "I do not have the information you are asking me for." Maybe... somebody else here does. Contact maybe they can help you some more.

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8 years ago

i ask you about the drawing you send ( diffuser assembly) the inner and outer diameter not clearly i cannot see it

8 years ago

there is no answer or you don't need to answer

8 years ago
David 8 years ago

All the Drawing I have are at

If you can't see it.... neither can I.


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8 years ago
8 years ago

Since the impeller rotates inside the diffuser, you will use those measurements to infer/estimate the dimensions you are missing.

8 years ago
David 8 years ago


flotation agitator diffuser diameter

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8 years ago

yes this what i ask what is ? the inner or the outer diameter or both ?????

8 years ago

It shows outer. 3 feet + 11 5/8 inches

8 years ago

First i am sorry for miss understanding ...and thanks for help me and this clearly now and what the inner diameter this is related to me or there is any relation between the impeller rotation and inner diameter of the diffuser

8 years ago
David 8 years ago

Use the image below to infer the inner diameter of your diffuser. You see from the photo, a gap of 1" from the tip of the impeller and edge of diffuser. = 2 x (16 1/2" + 1") = 35" would be your inner diameter & 47 5/8" your outer.

This leaves about 6 1/3" for each diffuser blade.

Your turn now to be the Engineer and check my math.


DR-300 Flotation Mechanism


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8 years ago

Ok i got it, now 16 1/2" is the redius of impeller so the diameter of impeller is 16 1/2" *2 equal 33" and then the gap 1" refer to the distance between the baldes tip and diffuser vanes and so the inner diameter of diffuser in 35" and outer diameter 47 5/8 " of the diffuser and 6 1/3" is the width of each vanes in diffuser

8 years ago

yes. You are welcome.

8 years ago

Thank you .. Help me now to detect two things the feed pipe location from the tank bottom and slope and also the height of recirculation well

8 years ago

There is any problem Mr David

8 years ago

I don't have what you want. Write to or

8 years ago

Thanks alot Mr David i am grateful for your help

8 years ago

You are welcome. Please comeback and let us know how your project worked out.

8 years ago

I will be in contact in all steps i do to get your opinion and your experince in flotation thanks alot

8 years ago

If you find any thing about my last question for feed pipe location and recirculation well height tell me please

8 years ago
David 8 years ago

About that; my advice is to print the images and "guesstimate" from scale.  A good approximation will work. Exactitude is really not necessary. I build these cells below from graphical estimates.. and it works.

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8 years ago
Mostafa 8 years ago

Please check my idea and give me your opinion..thanks alot.

1- using feed pipe like sub –A-flotation to ensure that the stock entered the vortex zone (impeller & diffuser) and mixed with the Air(Air & pulp mixture and forming fine air bubble capture the ink particles)

2-Using recirculation well to ensure that the pulp particle which not mixed and redeposition of ink particles come back to the eye of the impeller and get mixed with the Air bubble produced.

8 years ago
David 8 years ago

That could certainly work. Give it a try!

I would use 40" to 50" for the "height you need". The well seems as tall as the diffuser is wide.

DR-300 Flotation Agitator Mechanism Drawings

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8 years ago
(unknown) 8 years ago

I have a question about the type of air used is that blower or by air compressor or the important is the pressure of air and the volume of it.


Bob Mathias
8 years ago
Bob Mathias 8 years ago

Yes the application of flotation for deinking in the recycled paper industry has attracted much attention in recent years. By its chemical nature, ink is sufficiently hydrophobic and docs not require a collector. Ink is first detached from the paper fiber by treatment with sodium hydroxide. The hydroxyl ions cause fiber and ink particles to become negatively charged. An anionic detergent is added. The hydrophobic part of the detergent attaches to the ink particles and helps remove them from the fiber. The ink particles arc dispersed in water and though hydrophobic, do not readily float. In order to form larger flotation aggregates, calcium salts of fatty acids arc added. Little calcium ion concentration is needed to ensure flotation of ink particles. I suggest that a calcium bridge is formed between ink particles and the detergent enabling the ink particles to adhere to air bubbles.

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