Pb misreporting during differential flotation (1 reply)

1 year ago
Beekay 1 year ago

I would like assistance with the possible reasons for Pb is reporting to the Cu concentrate in a differential flotation circuit. This happens across 6 ore types. All the 6 ores contain much more Pb (assay 0.5-3wt%) in the feed than Cu (assay 0.01-01wt%).

Also, would like to know the effect of Cobalt and Cadmium in downstream Zn processing. The sphalerite in these ores contains some Co and Cd.


  1. Beekay
11 months ago
David 11 months ago

Separating the type of head assays you have will never be easy. 

Be sure you have adequate regrinding for each of your metal's cleaning circuit and enough adequate number of cleaning stages.

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