SlamJet Spargers for Column Flotation (3 replies and 1 comment)

5 years ago
engwayu 5 years ago

I am designing a laboratory pilot scale column flotation cell to be used for testing different mineral systems by flotation. I am considering using a jetting air sparging system to mimic industrial practice. I am leaning toward Eriez's SlamJet system as they claim it is used in many flotation operations. Indeed, it is mentioned in literature I have reviewed so far, mainly academic references. I have not actually found discussions on it by any mine operators. Which operators are using Eriez's SlamJet Sparger system or similar Jetting systems? What are some of the typical challenges they encounter with this system for air injection into the columns? And what approaches do they take to mitigate these shortcomings?

4 years ago
David 4 years ago

Why do you not ask Eriez directly?

Craig Hutchinson
4 years ago

Thanks David

Craig Hutchinson
4 years ago
Craig Hutchinson 4 years ago

I can certainly assist you with this.

I am the Global Manager for sparging systems for Eriez Flotation.

Send me an email and we can connect directly if you like. Working from home as many of us are these days. 

Craig Hutchinson
4 years ago
Craig Hutchinson 4 years ago
1 like by David

I can address a few issues in general terms.

Regarding your question about which operators are using SlamJets, EFD has thousands of installed units across a broad spectrum of flotation and leaching applications.

If you would like to provide a brief description of your specific application, I can almost certainly provide numerous references for similar applications.

The main challenges I see as a supplier of the product are issues related to supply pressure, correct sparger quantity and nozzle configuration.

These issues are easily overcome once we understand the application and can make educated recommendations.

An additional challenge can be scaling on the sparger tubes, but again once the application is reasonably well understood, steps can be taken to mitigate this as a serious issue. As the spargers can be removed without draining the tank, descaling can occur as needed before it becomes a serious issue.

Feel free to contact me directly if you require additional information


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