Starch (1 reply)

4 years ago
Joackim82 4 years ago


What are the uses of starch in mineral processing?

4 years ago
Jorge 4 years ago

Starch is a flotation reagent. Many varieties of starch may be used, e.g., rice, wheat, potato, maize. It can be used to control the interaction between clays and and a valuable mineral. Obviously, if the presence of clays is important, the effect of starch can be evaluated with other organic reagents. Also, to perform a differential flotation of different grades of bituminous coal, it is possible to use some colloids such as tannin, starch, albumin and glue to depress the already low floating tendency of the non-coking constituent.

During copper flotation can be added starch to depress galena. The idea is to obtain a clean copper concentrate.

Hematite flotation is other application of starch. See link below,


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