Typical Flotation Reagents (1 reply)

9 years ago
(unknown) 9 years ago

Can anyone please tell me which Flotation Reagents are being used in major concentrators in Zambia and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)?

9 years ago
(unknown) 9 years ago

1) For the Copper-Cobalt sulphides ores treatment: 

Frothers (Sasfroth G41, Dowfroth or FQZ 8), Collectors (Sodium ethyl xanthate, Sodium isopropyl xanthate or MX 150).

a) If the ores contains too much primary fines particles, you can use Sodium silicate at the underflow cyclones toward the mill.

b) If you want to improve the Cobalt recovery, you have to use the lime for regulating the pH between 9,2 and 10.

2) For the Oxides ores treatment : Frothers (See the point 1), Collectors (Potassium amyl-xanthate), Sulphidizers (NaSH), Secondary collectors (Mix : fuel + tall oil, Rinkalore 6010), Dispersants (Sodium Silicate)

3) For the Copper-Cobalt oxides or mixed ores when the cobalt minerals are mainly floated (Production of a concentrate having 6 to 8 % Co and 13 to 20 % Cu as the case of the Southern Katanga Mining Company) : Dispersant (Sodium silicate), Frother (See the point 1), Collector (Potassium Amyl-xanthate), Sulphidizer (NaSH), Activants (Ammonium sulfate + Citric acid), Secondary collector (Fuel + Tall oil or Rinkalore 6010).

4) For the thickening : Flocculant (Magnafloc 350)

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