Using Potassium Dichromate/CMC/Monosodium Phosphate and Sodium Bisulfite/CMC/Sodium Phosphate for Cu ... (2 replies)

J. Neumann
6 years ago
J. Neumann 6 years ago

We have a Pb/Cu operation.  We make a bulk concentrate and then float the Cu and depress the Pb. 

We would like to evaluate using Carboxymethyl Cellulose (CMC) along with other new reagents in a Cu/Pb separation circuit to eliminate using Sulfur Dioxide (SO2).  We currently use SO2/Sodium Bichromate/Starch to lower the pH to 4.0 and float the chalcopyrite away from galena. 

I have seen that a mixture of (1) CMC with Potassium Dichromate and Monosodium Phosphate and (2) CMC with Sodium Bisulfite Sodium Phosphate will also allow separation of Cu from Pb.  What is the typical reagent dosages (cc/min or g per tonne of feed) for using mixture 1 (Potassium Dichromate/CMC/Monosodium Phosphate) and dosage for mixture 2 (Sodium Bisulfite/CMC/Sodium Phosphate)?  Are there any published papers on these reagent schemes I can reference? Thanks!

6 years ago
DMS 6 years ago

Hi J.N

Have you thought about trying a capital application rather than throwing operating cost at the problem. Chalcopyrite and its family of Fe-based minerals are not uncommon causes to concentrating up DMS circuits when mag seps are used to recover FeSi. Perhaps the same can be used to solve your chalcopyrite problem by putting in a magnetic separator. All depends on how disseminated the chalcopyrite is and how fine you've already milled it and if you can remove it in advance of the galena..


6 years ago
Jorge 6 years ago

You can evaluate other options. See below,

- Na2S2O5, 800 g/t; activated carbon, 400 g/t; CMC 250 g/t

– Na2S2O5 , 100 g/t; Na2Cr2O7, 20 g/t

- Na2Cr2O7 (pH 8.5) 450 to 1200 g/t.

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