What happens to copper and gold recoveries when recovered by froth flotation process from roughing s ... (1 reply)

2 years ago
edson360 2 years ago

The PAX and Aerophibe dosages  upon 1000kg materials treated in roughing stage are 21mL to 7mL and 2mL to 8 mL respectively.

The Aerophibe and CMC upon 1000kg materials treated in a  cleaning stages are 2mL to 6mL and 5mL to 15 mL

2 years ago
Jorge 2 years ago

I imagine you determined the optimum particle size before trying to evaluate the effect of collector on copper and gold recovery. If not, you should do it.

Although you did not mention the copper grade, the rougher stage is a key part of the flotation circuit because it is important to get the maximum recovery of copper and gold, and a good selectivity between copper and gangue minerals, also between gold bearing minerals and gangue minerals. An acceptable copper recovery should be higher than 85% if there is some degree of oxidation, otherwise, it should be more than 90%. The gold recovery is influenced by the presence of free gold particles and type of gold bearing minerals. Usually, the gold recovery is lower than copper.

If want to evaluate the effect of Aerophine and PAX, it is important to evaluate different ratios of Aerophine/PAX. For example, 1, 2/1, and 1/2. It is important to evaluate both collectors alone. Kinetics tests and Grade-Recovery Curves are usually used to evaluate the effect of collector.


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