Catching Jumbo or Longhole cuttings BEFORE they hit the sill (1 reply)

6 years ago
PJ 6 years ago

I work in a very heterogeneous, nuggety narrow vein gold deposit, and I am looking for a way to catch jumbo or longhole cuttings as a slurry before they land on the sill and become contaminated, and the gold separates. Has anyone here solved this issue, or has an attachment that can be used with a jumbo or solo drill to catch the cuttings?

Sylvain Tremblay
6 years ago
Sylvain Tremblay 6 years ago
1 like by David

The solution would be very quick if your production drill was an In the Hole drill rig as you would be able to transform it, without a great investment into an RC drill rig and therefore catch your drill cuttings uncontaminated.

The other solution is to try to catch the cuttings as they come out of the whole by putting a bag underneath the drill steel.  This can work when you are drilling up holes, 

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