determine depth to bedrock - need for a simple method (3 replies)

7 years ago
oro 7 years ago

Modern geophysical methods of mineral exploration are still too expensive for many small commercial scale placer miners, and seem to require a high level of learning and deployment.  I sometimes think / dream about a simple device that would measure just one thing - depth to bedrock.  I see some of the commercial seismic survey systems use a simple sledge hammer activator (striking plate) to send out a seismic wave which is picked up by a daisy chain of geo-phones and sent to a computer to record, analyze and display the data and images. I also see simple seismic detector devices to measure earthquakes for sale for under $500 (Infiltec / Amazon).  I would think coupling the same sledge hammer activator to a simple seismic detector designed to measure one thing (depth to bedrock) would be feasible and inexpensive.  Maybe even without a laptop / expensive software but rather a single digital output / display.   Is this only in my dreams or does a device like this exist?  I recently got a quote from Geotmetrics for an entry level seismic survey system… 25k + 5k for onsite training.  So, I dream on.  

I’ve done a bit of drilling and it’s not cheap either.  Maybe there are other ideas / methods for an inexpensive geophysical method to determine depth to bedrock.  Any suggestions? 

7 years ago
ROCKDOC2 7 years ago

How large an area are you trying to map?  Rental of the equipment you mention is not that expensive.  GPR (ground penetrating radar) and/or ground-base magnetic surveys and some forms of IP aren't all the expensive.  A reasonable magnetic survey will run you about $18 to 20K for 10 to 15 acres with rented equipment and a knowledgeable processor.  GPR won't be much more.  Refraction seismic will work but will cost you more.  Reflection seismic is overkill. 

Don Yates
7 years ago
Don Yates 7 years ago

Any geo discovery system should pay its way. If you have an idea that the area for examination has some financial return merit, then there are financiers that will take on the gamble and pay the bill for a percentage.  

I won the 2014 Australian Mining PROSPECT Award in the category of innovative mining solutions for my 3D down-the-hole high water pressure drill/cut/print package.

7 years ago
oro 7 years ago

Thank you Rockdoc and Don for your responses. Basically I would like to buy a simple device (geophysical, not drill) to keep on hand, for simple estimates of depth to bedrock.  I see simple devices for seismometers and for resistivity for other applications but my particular interest is for occasional measurement to bedrock.  The location is in Central America.  

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