Device to prospect natural gold (2 replies and 1 comment)

4 years ago
rcpa 4 years ago

Dear friends,

I am interested in prospecting natural gold in  Brazil. I have seen many sites advertising gold detection devices, but I am very suspicious about the effectiveness of these equipments. Could anyone give me a hint how I should start my endervour of going out in the field looking for natural gold ores? I would like to buy a geophysics device that can help me identify and measure the depth and volume of the gold ore. I look forward for any helpful answer. Thank you!

4 years ago
1 like by David

Dear RCPA,

Are you looking for lode (gold that is still inside the host rock) or placer (gold that has been washed into hillside slopes, streams etc) gold?

Geophysical methods are usually expensive and dont work well for placer gold.

If you are looking for placer gold then instead of purchasing something expensive I just recommend a gold pan which is fairly cheap. If you have already done that then you can invest in metal detectors. The top 3 on the market right now specifically designed for gold are:

  1. Fisher Goldbug 2
  2. Minelab Gold Monster
  3. Minelab Eureka Gold

I am also presenting a free webinar on mining of placer gold on November 24th. Let me know if you would be interested in joining.



4 years ago
David 4 years ago

Thanks Ali.

This is too strange, we created this list of BEST GOLD METAL DETECTORS just 2 days ago

It has most of the Brands and Models you recommend.

4 years ago

That's crazy timing! great list though. I think bottom line is that folks need to know that you cant just buy any metal detector and expect to find gold with it. Thank you for compiling the list.

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