magnetic properties of ferrosilicon (2 replies)

6 years ago
lkperumal 6 years ago

Dear all, 

I am searching about the magnetic properties of ferrosilicon ( 15% or 20% Si content). Anyone, please send me complete magnetic property details of FeSi with various composition.

Thanks in advance

6 years ago
DMS 6 years ago

Some further clarity required perhaps. You mention a 15% or 20%Si FeSi. Are we talking about a ferrosilicon ferroalloy here ie. the bulk commodity, or are you referring to a dense media powder. And what is your process context to know the magnetic properties? A magnetic susceptibility analysis can be a fairly meaningless singular determination if the information is not used in context too something, then its simply just an arbitrary result..

6 years ago
lkperumal 6 years ago

Thank you for your reply,

Actually the question is about FeSi powder (in size range of microns). I have an idea to use this ferrosilicon powder to replace corbonyl iron powder in MR fluids. As it has good magnetic saturation property compare to corbonyl iron I came to this conclusion, but still I need more clarification to know about the suitability for this application.

Sorry for late response.

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