High Grade Zinc/Gold Core. (3 replies and 4 comments)

7 years ago
Bluegene66 7 years ago

Combination of high grade Zinc/Gold in a VMS system is very rare ie: 5m of 12% Zinc 14g/t Gold 1%Cu in a core sample. Can someone explain the structure and the significance of this unusual occurrence. Thanks.

Bob Mathias
7 years ago
Bob Mathias 7 years ago

Hello Blue, I am not sure what it means in terms of geology. As far as metallurgy, you will need to see if you can recover most of your gold away from the Zinc concentrate because the typical payable is only 65-70% of the value after a 2 g/t deductible. If you can recover that Au by gravity or in a Cu concentrate you'll get 95-98% pay.

What is your %Fe content? 

7 years ago

Thanks Bob for your reply. I will see if that info is available.

7 years ago

Hi Bob, the Fe content is 6%. Is 6% a high value and what would a high/low Fe content represent? Thanking you in advance.

5 years ago

Do you have any gold or zinc in quantities you want to sell

7 years ago
David 7 years ago

A Gold-Zinc Operation is Minera Florida in Chile. I attached a 43-101 report. See Section 16. They cyanide leach the Zinc/Au rougher concentrate & clean it after to make a high grade Zn conc. Not something easily implemented on Vancouver Island. Have a look at the geology section.

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7 years ago

Thanks David for replying. Although a quartz vein deposit, I managed to find one high grade Gold/Zinc core, 1m @ 20g/t Gold and16% Zinc. The odd thing was there was no other cores in the district that even came close to those values That particular vein was not mined because of core length.

7 years ago
David 7 years ago

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