How do i deploy a gravity Method for inverstigation (1 reply)

7 years ago
Happiness 7 years ago

I need a scenarion where gravity method is deployed for inverstigating an ore body in contrast to the surrounding


7 years ago
BAUD 7 years ago
1 like by David

Gravity separation is a concentration separation process in which minerals are separated from each other based on the difference of their specific gravity in a fluid medium.

The applicability of gravity concentration to the separation of two minerals of different specific gravity can be assessed by using the following ratio called the concentration criterion (CC):

CC = (SG1-SG2)/ (SG3-SG2)


SG1 = Specific Gravity of the heavy mineral

SG2 = Specific Gravity of the fluid medium

SG3 = Specific Gravity of the light mineral.

The efficiency of separation is as follows:

CC>2.5 easy separation

1.5<CC<2.5 check particle size to assess applicability

1.25<CC<1.5 only sand and gravel

CC<1.25 not economically feasible



SG1 = Specific Gravity of the heavy mineral = 17.65 for gold

SG2 = Specific Gravity of the fluid medium = 1 for water

SG3 = Specific Gravity of the light mineral = 2.65 for gangue


CC = (17.65-1)/ (2.65-1)

CC= 10.09

The gravity separation will be very easy in this case. The more the CC is high, the more efficient the separation will be. Where applicable, the gravity separation process is very efficient and very low cost effective.

As for you, I suggest you prepare the specific gravity for your mineral species and their size distributions. So you will apply the CC criterion to estimate the feasibility of this separation process. If possible, share your findings.


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