Impact of ore variability on the financial performance of a process plant? (2 replies)

5 years ago
Millza79 5 years ago

Has anyone got any papers on the impact of ore variability (lithology, mineralogy, grade etc) on the financial performance of a process plant?

5 years ago
Mike 5 years ago

From a long time ago: Mining Methods Impact on Coal Preparation Plant Design
First International Mine Planning and Development Symposium, Beijing and Beidaihe, China, September 1980. 


Todd H
5 years ago
Todd H 5 years ago

My company has published a recent paper on geometallurgy here:

We do a lot of geometallurgy work and the paper above is part of a much larger ongoing study now in a feasibility for the project.  We built the mine plan and process recoveries from geometallurgical models that include recovery and ore hardness as the main outputs.



Todd Harvey - Global Resource Engineering

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