Is there a reliable compilation of ore grades for some main metals? (1 reply)

7 years ago
Witzcat 7 years ago

Dear experts, I would like to summarize all metals used for producing a car by calculating the mineral raw materials needed for each metal contained in a car.

Of course I understand that each location and lagerstatte is different and there is not really such a thing as an "average" content. But for some metals, metal ore grades have been widely used (e.g., I often read that gold ore contains on average 4-5 gram gold per tonne gold ore, and for copper the term 0.6% is often mentioned). I know that especially for by-products and artisanal mining this is even more complicated and in practice, every mine needs to be investigated separately.

Still, can maybe someone help me with such a compilation or list for some (main or minor) metals and their ore grades? Even an average of when mining seems to be economic would be helpful. Any metal grades would be helpful since a car contains more than 30 metals...

Thank you!

7 years ago
David 7 years ago

This is a tough one. I did something similar just for the iPhone 6. was useful. I never did find what you are looking for exactly. I had to do math and plugin basic assumptions. 


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