Minimum sample needed to be sent to lab for analysis from drill core? (1 reply)

5 years ago
Leonita 5 years ago


I just want to know how would I go about to determine if the sample we are sending after processing a half core is representative of the lot it is from?

We start with a whole core that is halfed, sampled in 1m samples that is equal to 2/3kg that gets crushed and split to more or less 1kg from which 200g/100g samples are taken respectively for lab analysis.

I just want to know if this 200g/100g is representative of the start 1m sample?

5 years ago
Jorge 5 years ago

If you have drill core samples, it is better to sent one half. You can consider two meters intervals. The lab will crush and split the samples following their procedures. At the end, the lab will give two samples, one is the pulverized material used to perform the assays, and the second samples is the rejects from the crushing and split process. 

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