Mummulitic Limestone Sampling (2 replies)

8 years ago
Sudhirkumar 8 years ago

Which type of sampling method should we used in nummulitic limestone deposit

8 years ago
Oberfuhrer 8 years ago

If you need core, sonic as suggested above is probably the way to go (should be slightly cheaper than diamond). If you simply want chemistry, face-sampling downhole hammer RC should provide a more cost-effective result.

Zander Barcalow
8 years ago
Zander Barcalow 8 years ago

I'm not sure what use you have for the limestone, but I have looked after a drilling program at a cement operation where we were drilling RC. That wasn't a nummalitic limestone and as per what earlier said, we were interested in assaying for and subsequently estimating the concentration of deleterious elements (as well as CaCO3) for a cement plant feed.

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