Optmization of mining/metallurgical processes (2 replies)

7 years ago
jlpalacios 7 years ago


  My name is José Luis, and I am doing my PhD about the assessment of mining/metallurgical processes by applying the Second Law of Thermodynamics.

I am on the stage where I need to start to model a mining process. Would you mind telling me, where can I find a complete flowsheet process (with parameters in every stage)??  

Thaks in advance 

7 years ago
Themba 7 years ago
1 like by David

Hi Jose

Try looking at mining.com, on 911metallurgist you can also obtain process for different metal processing such as copper flow sheets, gold processing etc. Next option is the Mining Handbook you can get form a library or download as a on 4shared.com

All the best with your research!


Themba Xhamfu

7 years ago
David 7 years ago

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