QA/QC papers (4 replies)

8 years ago
Obersturmbann 8 years ago

I’m just wondering if anyone knows any good papers on the QA/QC of assay data.
To date I have only been able to find one "Quality Control of Assay Data: A Review of Procedures for Measuring and Monitoring Precision and Accuracy" by Marat Abzalov, which I have found to be an excellent paper and am trying to find more along the same line so that I can read around the subject a little.

8 years ago
(unknown) 8 years ago

From the same author you could try "Sampling Errors and Control of Assay Data Quality in Exploration and Mining Geology", which is Chapter 31 in "Applications and Experiences of Quality Control" and is downloadable as a pdf from This is a somewhat more extensive version of the paper referenced in the OP.

There are many, many other good QAQC papers related to the mining and exploration industry but most are more specific and can be harder to find. Abzalov's papers are possibly the best recent general reviews.

In the last few years Cliff Stanley has (co-)authored a few papers published in, I think, Exploration and Mining Geology. John Eames has published a number of "technical notes" on his website (Laboratory Quality Management Services - looking at QAQC from the analyst's point of view.

There are many worthwhile papers in the proceedings of the various sampling and quality conferences although the more general papers often have little to offer.

Victor Bergman
8 years ago
Victor Bergman 8 years ago

I particularly like this paper, and concur on the value in Marat's as well

8 years ago
(unknown) 8 years ago

Many NI 43-101 reports provide good summary / examples of practices followed. It's useful means for seeing best and 'lesser' practices in the industry.

8 years ago
Obersturmbann 8 years ago

Thank you for the suggestions and help gentlemen, I'll follow them up in the next few days. If I come across any similar open source papers I will share them through this forum.

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