8 years ago
Biglizer 8 years ago

Hello everyone

I have some few questions to ask: 

I encounter an outcrop of quartz vein larger more than 5 feet wide,first assay of a sample shows about 0.4ppm,i decided to do trenching and pit sampling...few samples by sorting show few gold by panning..there is any possibility that vein will have enough gold as i go down...by taking coordinates and locate them on a map using gis software it shows that a place is near a shear zone and a contact between granitic and ultaramafic rocks,there is any possibilty that this vein is a reef along a shear or within a shear zone...what other cheap exploration strategy can i do rather than above.

thanks in advance

8 years ago
lostsierra 8 years ago

I would suggest getting a Shaw backpack drill and drill down about 50' to 60.' Drill a few holes and do some assays and panning. I do fire assaying for gold & silver, $40 per assay. 

8 years ago
David 8 years ago
1 like by Khaliduna

Use the Social Share Bar on the Left. Tell everyone you can about https://redesign.911metallurgist.com/metallurgy/ It's FREE & GOOD.

8 years ago
mkdevarajan 8 years ago
1 like by David

There are many places where isolated small quartz veins may give high grade gold mineralization which may support artisanal gold mining. But they may be far placed from each other that commercial mining would not be possible. Get a proper geological mapping of the area done. A geologist could be able to deduct the space -time relation between the granitic rocks and the ultramafics, timing of  shearing,  emplacement mechanism of quartz veins and look for alterations along the intrusive contact.   All these would help you to plan a  surface sampling program and interpret the results once available.  You may go for drilling only after you develop confidence in the surface data as it is going to cost you a lot of money and you are looking for inexpensive methods.

2 years ago
huahua 2 years ago

Looking upstream from a known prime location

A good place to look for gold-bearing quartzite is to go where other miners and prospectors have already been. Even rocks missed by other prospectors as well as gold mine tailings (leftovers) can contain gold. Wealth has been patiently and systematically transformed by Ye Fei gold prospectors and miners hacking and seizing scrap and tailings. Efforts by large corporations to mine gold tend to leave behind gold that is mined more efficiently and profitably by smaller miners and weekend prospectors.

Generally, gold originates from upstream active or historically infiltrated and extracted locations from sand and gravel deposits. Look for gold and gold-bearing quartzite in areas where hydrothermal volcanism has occurred in the geological past. These areas include areas around old gold mines and rock outcrops upstream of placer gold deposits, where gold has been eroded from its bedrock, washed downstream and accumulated in and near the channels of streams.

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