Sampling Tailing and low grade stocks piles. (3 replies)

8 years ago
Subhash-Kumar-Roy 8 years ago

Please could any one assist me in sampling procedure of Tailing dumps and low grade plies?

8 years ago
OberstGruppen 8 years ago

In any event sampling of tailings (and I assume you mean mill tailings) should be easier because the material is probably more homogeneous size wise than you'll find in the average dump or ROM stockpile. However, because of differences in mill operation parameters, where the tailings are placed and all the complications associated with any alluvial deposit tails, estimation of quantities may be difficult. I would be more inclined to sample tails by drilling and use geo-statistical methods than I would to drill dumps assuming you can drill the tails without having to worry about punching through the liner. I still stand behind my original conclusion that the only way you are really going to know is to run the whole thing through the process plant.

8 years ago
(unknown) 8 years ago

Start by figuring out roughly how much budget might be available for sampling. One rarely gets an ideal representative sample prior to actual processing; cost often limits sampling quality.

That said, if you do not have the dimensions use old survey vs. current survey data to roughly define the area to sample (depth, volume, etc.) at minimal cost. Particle size data and pile density is also important to know. Tailings dumps are a different challenge than low grade stockpiles – never risk piercing liners. Also, since tails, due to processing, have max particle sizes that tend smaller, a sonic drill (more representatives) or even auger sample may work. If you cannot make an ideal sample, at least assay all the separate drill samples, as well as a weighed composite, to get an indication of valuation uncertainty.

Once you start by figuring out roughly how much budget might be available for sampling. One rarely gets an ideal representative sample prior to actual processing; cost often limits sampling quality.

8 years ago
(unknown) 8 years ago

It is essential to separate tailings, or other fine-grained material amenable to easy coring, from low grade stockpiles, or any other waste rock heap, which is particularly challenging to sample. It might be easier to retrieve the mine's exploration and production data at the time the heap was built.

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