Synthesis gold doped synthetic pyrite, its surface chemistry and response to floatation. (2 replies and 1 comment)

6 years ago
Nish 6 years ago

Hi guys,

I've recently been given an opportunity to work on a geo metallurgy focused project, I however am a geologist and not very familiar with geo metallurgical processes.

Could the metallurgists on here please advise on synthesis gold doped synthetic pyrite, its surface chemistry and response to floatation. I have done quite a bit of reading  but cant seem to find anything related to this exact topic.

Please advise.

Thanks in advance.

Todd H
6 years ago
Todd H 6 years ago
1 like by David


We do a lot of geometallurgy work - including block modelling and met investigations.  I am not exactly sure what you mean by "synthesis gold doped synthetic pyrite"  are you trying to make artificial pyrite or is this some mineral you have already?  If you provide me with more info I should be able to help.



Todd Harvey - Global Resource Engineering

6 years ago

Hi Todd,

Apologies I have just seen your reply. For some reason these emails go to my spam folder.

Yes, trying to make artificial pyrite. A large proportion of Au resource is in the “invisible” fraction. Thus, one could greatly enhance the reserve if we could better process this fraction.

Since, the incorporation of Au in pyrite can be expected to modify its surface reactivity, and thus its floatability. (This, however, needs to be tested empirically)

Please advise.


Todd H
6 years ago
Todd H 6 years ago

Perhaps I dont fully understand - I dont think adding gold to pyrite is going to greatly enhance its flotability and certainly not going to enhance the project economics. 

Pyrite is one of the easiest minerals to float, I would stick to working on flotation chemicals rather than modifying the pyrite with gold.  The use of activators (like copper sulfate) and promoters is the best way to improve pyrite flotation in conjunction with a long chain xanthate and good frother.  once you have the pyrite flottaioin sorted out you can then work on a system to recover the contained gold like POX.

If this is just research than perhaps it is a worthwhile pursuit.  You can make pyrite fairly easily - there are papers on line outlining how.  It involves vacuum tubes and a high temp oven.  You could use a scanning electron microscope sputtering system to apply gold to the surface.  It may just be easier to buy a high quality pyrite sample and sputter it and see what you get.



Todd Harvey - Global Resource Engineering

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