Tailings Dams and ​Geometallurgical Modelling (8 replies)

Victor Bergman
9 years ago
Victor Bergman 9 years ago

Is anyone aware of any Geometallurgical Modelling on Tailings Dams and tailings slimes being done or that have been done in the past? I would like to get in touch with people involved in such studies.

We have just commenced on a project of this kind. Within the next two years we will systematically drill two large tailings dams in Germany. We will characterize the material from these dams and conduct beneficiation tests. Based on the results we will build a geometallurgical model.

Helena Russell
9 years ago
Helena Russell 9 years ago

Sounds interesting. Since ever looking at clay flocculation, I've felt the tailings/ slimes area is a gap in the geomet testing profile. Some recent work which should relate to the area has been done but not connected through to site studies of the kind you've mentioned. Happy to chat further if its of interest to you,

Maya Rothman
9 years ago
Maya Rothman 9 years ago

We also have been testing various parameters for ore bodies, especially relating to kimberlites and slimes settling characteristics. This approach can quite possibly be adapted to suit residue deposits one would think using auger drilling for example as a mode of subsampling. The latter we have done mainly on gold and nickel FRDs (fines residue deposits). 

9 years ago
(unknown) 9 years ago

Do you use head sample and products chemistry/mineralogy/textural features to describe and predict metallurgical behavior of them? What kind of assays do you use? Any thorough geochemical/mineralogical characterization used by someone?

Victor Bergman
9 years ago
Victor Bergman 9 years ago

I will be using head assays for each drill core sample interval I have. A range of small scale laboratory tests will be done (e.g. batch flotation) on selected samples and the products investigated - mineralogy, texture and chemistry. The kind of assays will all depend on the deposit/tailings you are working on.

9 years ago
(unknown) 9 years ago

Excellent idea. The best would be to have silicate and multi element geochemical analysis, mineral associations/deposition time along with textures. I find all this information together makes a lot of sense for process mineralogist and can support and even substitute very expensive analyses such as surface studies, liberation and processing testwork later. It may take some extra time and expenses at the start, but will be giving many benefits in future.

Bob Mathias
9 years ago
Bob Mathias 9 years ago

It is always fascinating to have the chance to interact with mineralogists/geoscientists!
I am happy to see you will be looking into the clays while working with flotation. If you limit yourself to head assay, flotation might not make sense at all under this environment. I share with you the impression that clays are usually overlooked. Your work sounds very interesting and I would like to see it.

9 years ago
(unknown) 9 years ago

Currently most of work on geometallurgy is connecting geology and beneficiation plant performance but it really need to be stretched up to metallurgy means properties related to furnace operation like (reduciability, variation in softening melting, porosity, etc ). You did not mentioned which kind of slimes you wish to treat but if it is iron ore slimes than you can make it two step model. One will predict performance of beneficiation plant (flotation, Gravity separation, etc) and other step will provide suitability of concentrate or performance of concentrate in subsequent operation like pelletization or sintering or DRI.

Victor Bergman
9 years ago
Victor Bergman 9 years ago

Thanks for your comments. For iron ore it certainly makes sense to follow your suggested approach. I am working on a base metal mine tailings dam (Cu, Au, magnetite).

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