Amalgamation Process (1 reply)

8 years ago
OberstGruppen 8 years ago

There is any specific reaction, to describe the process of amalgamation of gold?

8 years ago
(unknown) 8 years ago

Just straight physical dissolution as sugar dissolves in water. The gold SG is 19.3 and the mercury SG 13.6 if you would take a gold concentrate and assume it is liberated largely from a host like silicate and pyrite by finer milling and you don't want to use cyanide as an example, you would then add the concentrate for the purpose of amalgamation (unification) to mercury in an amalgamation drum. The rotating drum mixing allows the gold too be coated by the mercury as the gold being the heavier mineral of the silicate and pyrite sinks / dissolves into the mercury whilst the remainder "floats" on the mercury. The rest we know, drive the mercury off with retorting and sponge gold is left with rather high purity.

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