Spiral Concentrators Washing Chrome (4 replies and 4 comments)

7 years ago
terrence 7 years ago

i am using spirals to recover chrome fines size (-1mm) to (+100microns) from ore. l have noticed a high grade and reasonable amount of values in the tailings and after size analysis a majority of these fines are in the range of (-75microns). How can l futher recover these fines of such size range?

7 years ago
David 7 years ago
1 like by Tererai

Hello Terrence, see about using a High-G force centrifugal concentrators: Falcon/Knelson.

also see https://redesign.911metallurgist.com/froth_flotation/chromite-flotation/

Thanks to A B


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7 years ago

Thank you.

7 years ago
AJNeale 7 years ago
1 like by David

Ish Grewal of Met-Solve Labs presented a paper at this year's CMP in Ottawa on the use of Falcon machines for fine particle (i.e. >100 microns) recovery in tin, tungsten, chromite, etc.  If you don't have access to this paper, please contact me through my e-mail address (see my profile) and I will send you a copy.  Bottom line is that 60-80% of your chromite losses off the spiral are in this -100 micron fraction, and the appropriate high g force machine will recovery 60-80% of these losses.  Since you have a captive stream (i.e. the spiral tails), retrofitting a high-G machine should be very straight-forward, and the return on your investment very attractive.

Best Regards


7 years ago

Can you send me this information to my mail kurnev.ar@yandex.ru

Treve Mildren
7 years ago
Treve Mildren 7 years ago
1 like by David

Hi Terrence - Enhanced Gravity is certainly the way forward for fine chrome.


Loads of other papers available on the subject.

7 years ago

Thank you can u forward me some Docs on this subject on my email terrencetinotenda@gmail.com

B T Chitapa
7 years ago

Most of the gravity concentration equipment have limited performance on material below -75microns and you also have quality issues if that material has a constitution of more than 20-30% in the feed to the final cleaner spirals. However in your case Sir, these -75micron particles are of high possibility that there are reporting with water to overflow of the rougher feed dewatering cyclone and also consider sampling the rougher tailings which i believe you are sending to the settling dams and make adjustments.

Firon Woo
7 years ago
Firon Woo 7 years ago

Dear Terrence,

As you have spirals, I suggest you to take wave or shaker tables, which is really good for Chrome recovery.

Wave table from Australia or shaker table from China are both at a very good price. RP-4 and shaker table from US also.

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