Concentrate grade calculation (2 replies)

3 years ago
JJ1 3 years ago


Am trying to work out what the grade of a concentrate will be.

I have the ore head grade fed to the float plant, the optimal flotation recovery rate and corresponding mass pull.  Are these all that is needed to calculate the concentrate grade or is proper test work needed? 

3 years ago
Mike 3 years ago

From your information you can calculate an ESTIMATE of the concentrate grade, but it will never be the actual grade.  For a better result test work is ALWAYS needed.  Even then, with the best test work and even running a pilot plant, your actual results in a full scale facility will be different.  And they will very over time.

3 years ago
Jorge 3 years ago

If you know the head grade, mass pull and metal recovery, it is possible to calculate the concentrate grade. This consideration is valid for two products (concentrate and tails). It is necessary to perform a flotation testing program to get the information mentioned in your comments. Projections from locked cycle tests are a good source of information, which is considered for many engineering companies to design a full scale flotation circuit. In some cases, a pilot test is necessary, specially when the metallurgy is complex.

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