Dry screening to 1 mm for dry alluvial tailings (2 replies and 2 comments)

1 year ago
Mazin90 1 year ago

Hello, I am exploring the feasibility of reprocessing placer tailings that were poorly processed by artisanal miners using dry sluicing and sometimes wet sluicing.

They have recovered good amount of golds though, which indicates that the deposits are rich. some samples have been taken by a college of mine that gave 1.5 g/ ton. However i will do more tests in gold shape and size to understand the ore.

My initial idea is to screen down to (1-2) mm then feed it to an icon 350 concentrator.

My first question is would it be possible to screen the tailings without water knowing? that the clay content is very low and the tailings is very dry as its located in a very hot semi desert area, but there is a river near by ( 5 km). 

And what is the the best options of equipment to do this screening?.

So if its technically viable to screen without water to this size it will be very cost effective an am only trying to work in a small scale first with one concentrator.


My second question is in case of processing tailings with an icon i am already targeting the fine gold that was missed so will it be better in terms of recovery to screen finer than 2 mm? 

1 year ago
Mike 1 year ago

Can you do it, yes.  The best choice would be a trommel with 2 or more decks.  First dek (inner trommel of  1/2" or so, and the outter trommel being about 1 mm.  Going to be a big one though.

1 year ago

Thankyou SmartDog,
so i will not face any problems of clogging using the trommel dry?
okay what about 0.5 mm will it be a problem. i think the more fine i scree the better the icon recovery will be, as am already targeting only the left fines they missed.

1 year ago
Mike 1 year ago

Trommels are designed for coarse separation.  Using a multi deck unit can get to finer sizes, but even 1 mm is pushing it.  To get to 0.5 mm you should probably use a trommel to 25 mm, then a two deck vibrating sreen at 5 mm and 0.5 mm.  Of course this is getting expensive.  Alternatively two trommels with the same size openings.

Of course you will need convyors and feed hoppers.  

1 year ago

Thank you very much, Very helpful.

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