Head feed ratio to trommel output (6 replies)

6 years ago
cskumiega 6 years ago

Is there a general ratio for a hard rock plant from head feed to trommel output in tons? Trying to replace existing sluices with jigs, helix spirals or multiple tables.


6 years ago
David 6 years ago

Are you wanting to feed a trommel with a crusher? Rephrase your question please.

6 years ago
Mike 6 years ago

As David said your question does not make much sense.  Trommels are used for two main reasons, the first is to remove oversize rock to discard or recycle to a crusher, the second is to breakup clay and other loosely consolidated material.  In the first application a fixed or vibrating screen may actually work better.  

The trommel needs to be sized to suit the tonnage application, too small and on size material will go with the oversize, too large and you are wasting capital money and can have a large amount of oversize in your desired product.  

6 years ago
cskumiega 6 years ago

Okay, so our crusher can handle up to 100 t/h of hard rock ore which once crushed is conveyed to the trommel and once washed in the trommel the material flows to a sluice.

We are looking to replace the sluice with jigs, reverse helix concentrator or other options so we need to match the off-put volumes from the trommel/post-crushed material to concentrator station.

6 years ago
Mike 6 years ago
1 like by David

There is no general ratio that can be used.  Each and every operation is different for many different reasons.  But if you already have a crusher and a trommel it is very easy to get your own ratio.  The simplest is to count or measure the feed to the crusher over a period of time (I would recommend an operating shift or day) and then measure the trommel rejects for the same period.  Subtract this from the crusher feed and you have the product for that period.  Divide this by the number of hours measured and you have your production rate.  I would also recommend repeating this for several days to get an average.

6 years ago
cskumiega 6 years ago

Thanks for your advice, will test/measure as you recommend!


6 years ago
oro 6 years ago

Helix Spirals and tables are only about 1-2 / hr capacity. One company offers a Helix rougher that I am familiar with but still small volume comparatively.   High volume primary recovery might be best achieved with a large capacity centrifuge.  Ore type (free milling or complex ore) and gold particle size are important factors in determining your method for primary recovery.   Do you have data on the ore matrix?      

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