Heavy medium separation cyclone tracer tests (3 replies)

5 years ago
tichalfred 5 years ago

On carrying out tracer tests on a HMS cyclone; the tracers of varying density report to both the floats and the sinks. Seems no separation is occuring and it's a random placement of the tracers. Have varied the pressure and SG to no avail. Have also inspected the cyclone and pipework for blockages. Have also changed out the dense medium. What else could be causing this behaviour.

5 years ago
Mike 5 years ago

Is the cyclone in good condition, by that is the vortex finder of the right diameter and length for the separation, the same for the apex/spigot.  Cyclones do wear out and if yours is worn out this could explain your results.  Then is the cyclone the correct one. Does the cyclone have the right dimensions for the flow (diameter, inlet area, body length, cone height and angle)?  All of these make an impact on your separation.  

Pressure and S.G. are tuning points to get the right performance, but the cyclone configuration and condition are very important. 

5 years ago
richardh 5 years ago

tichalfred Hi, sorry. I have been off line for a while. In terms of DMS.

What are your cyclone dimensions, i.e. size, cone angle etc.

What is the mineral you are sorting?

What are is the medium you are running, i.e. magnetite/Fesi and what grade?

If these are all on an established plant.

Is the medium at the correct density?

A good starting point is to measure the differential to see how the "base" layer for dense medium sorting is working. A rule of thumb is to take a density measurement of the correct medium and the cyclone overflow. The overflow should be in the order of 3 to 12% less than the correct medium.

Next move onto the looking at what pressure the cyclone is operating at, and whether this is fairly steady. To do this it the unit needs an inlet pressure guage or transmitter to be fitted.

1 year ago
Keita 1 year ago

I like to separate sand out of cassava slurry effectively with the capacity of 2 tons of slurry per hour


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