Home built Rube Goldberg (2 replies and 2 comments)

Jackpot Joe
5 years ago
Jackpot Joe 5 years ago

I had the opportunity to clean a rifle range.  I came here.  I learned. I built here it is:


It was done out of a wheelchair with what I had laying around.  So don't be too hard on me. It work's great that is what counts. 

Any idea what is the best way to deal with the brass and copper jackets. they are mixed. 

Thanks enjoy 

Jackpot Joe

I've worked at the top of towers the bottom of the sea and every state but Alaska. 

5 years ago
Mike 5 years ago

Unfortunately there is not a simple way (besides handsorting) to separate copper & brass.  They have close specific gravities and close electrostatic properties.  Specific gravity and electrostatic properties CAN be used, but you are not looking at something that can be cobbled together at home.

Jackpot Joe
5 years ago

Thank you I am tumbling the jackets in the mixer the little bits of grave that made it thru the smelting. are acting like abrasive. I am hoping for shiny brass and copper and then the hand sort but I have nothing better to do. There will still be lead hoping to get #2 copper I will have an est. 25 to 30 sand bags full. I have a tread mill I am going to put a magnetic roller to help with the Fe sort. Do you Think a layer of ... well bendable like a stick on car door sign. would be enough to take it around the roller enough? my next would be take apart tool holders and use the strips for more power AH AH AH

5 years ago
Mike 5 years ago

BTW, your rig looks interesting and looks like it works moderately well.  The only thing I would suggest is having a trommel as your first stage to break up the dirt and sand so that less work is needed downstream.

see: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjWt_r_4cvlAhV6CjQIHbwRDqIQjRx6BAgBEAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2Fpin%2F597360338046356720%2F&psig=AOvVaw0fEiFn1b3ULc5_6cQoCOfl&ust=1572792271451810


Jackpot Joe
5 years ago

I was under great time and funds limits. No power had to haul water in barrels. It rained and rained I was dealing with a muck and bullets mix at times water running out of the back stop dead center right were the mother lode was. I had it dialed in at the end it was a never ending upgrade and repair. And [spit} "The gosh darn goverment went and pull my claim on me" Translation the bunker has been repaired. I do have some pull down there we now have 2 loads of clean sand on the front for better safety and to facilitate lead removal next time. I am going to have clean sand full of bullet dreams. And when I here shooting I will be thinking filler up boy's. The machine will go into the fence row until the lead bank acc. is full again. Hmmmm now a trommel would be very fast on wet or dry sand hmmmm I may have to start collecting parts. Thank Smartdog! BTW I would like to do I Q tests if you are up for a little fun? See how smart we are? I think it might be close game No spelling tho. LOL

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