Galena Jigging (2 replies)

Mr. Nanda kishore
8 years ago
Mr. Nanda kishore 8 years ago

if jigging can process galena ore, which information is necessary e.g mineralogy, feed size, feed, jigging machine type etc. ?

max skinner
8 years ago
max skinner 8 years ago
2 likes by Rheomet and David

Can you jig galena, sure but you can expect recovering about 1/2 of your galena. To do properly you would jig and follow that with flotation which works exceptionally well on galena. Do it this way and you could expect to recover well into the 90's percentage wise if your galena is nice clean galena and doe's not have a bunch of oxide lead minerals with it.

8 years ago
David 8 years ago
1 like by Rheomet

Hello Mr. Nanda, unless this is a research project or you are under some serious environmental restrictions, you would not jig galena. Mr. Skinner is correct in saying flotation is the best galena recovery process. In any case, galena can be jigged as seen on

Your galena would need to be the sole mineral in your 'ore' I think. You likely can only answer all those questions be laboratory testing.

Do you need to recovery your galena coarse to use it instead of ferrosilicon in a heavy media separation (sink/float) plant? If your galena is coarse grained, it will still jump out of a flotation cell.

If you were dealing with lead oxide, you could look at which also including flotation.

Here is a galena paper

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