Increasing the grade of manganese rock with different methods of gravity separation (2 replies)

7 years ago
fotros 7 years ago

hello to everyone.I'm reasearching for the best tool for generation of manganese.

which methods of gravity separation is better for the mine that have 12-18 grade manganese ore & it' Pyrolosite(MnO2).And after this method we reach to what grade?
Thank you very much, can someone help me

7 years ago
BAUD 7 years ago
1 like by David

-What is the mineral composition and distribution of the ore?

-What is your plan for the reduction size?

-How many methods of gravity separation do you handle?

Treve Mildren
7 years ago
Treve Mildren 7 years ago
1 like by David

Hi Fotros.

I am far from an expert in this field but I am conducting Enhanced Gravity testwork on another mineral at the moment. The Mets are using the Mn as an indication of the upgrade .

The Mn is certainly upgrading very nicely indeed with very respectable recoveries.

I can try to find out the Mn mineralogy for this deposit if you like.

Best Regards Treve

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