Jig Recovery (3 replies)

7 years ago
Anupam 7 years ago

Can you explain recovery and recovery rates?  Say I am jigging mineral, I get a 60% recovery rate. feed specific gravity is 3.8, final product gravity is 4.2.  If I lower my recovery rate to 50%, what will happen? maintain final specific gravity, but increase quantity? Increased quantity, but decreased specific gravity?
Thank you for your help

Paul Morrow
7 years ago
Paul Morrow 7 years ago

What you are describing (if I understand correctly) is increasing your feed-rate causing your efficiency to drop from 62 to 50%. I am not sure why you would want to do this. I would expect your hutch product to stay at 4.2 s.g., hutch product volume to decrease, and, I think, you would be losing values out with the tails.

7 years ago
Anupam 7 years ago

My thinking was therefore correct. To explain, my boss asked me what if I dropped my recovery. I asked him why, and that if it is to increase quantity, the final product S.G. will certainly drop, (as you stated, losing values to the tails.) I have always stated, in jigging barite, you can get either quality or quantity, but not both simultaneously. Take care, appreciate the feedback.

Firon Woo
7 years ago
Firon Woo 7 years ago

I agreed with Paul. And Anupam, why not increasing some more equipment to keep a larger quantity and the same quality?

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