Knelson XD20 Concentrator (3 replies)

6 years ago
Y.Armenta 6 years ago

hello, someone who can help me define the parameters to put a Knelson XD20 concentrator to work. Approximately how much concentrate fits the cone? and how long does the concentrate cycle last? thank you very much.

6 years ago

Good morning Armenta.

It is important to know what mineral ore you want to process: alluvial or hard rock?

What are the accompanying minerals, and their proportions, regarding their presence in the processing and mineral benefit ... particle sizes of food? Is there presence of clays?

What are the feed tenors and gold particle size.

I interpret that the concentrator is central discharge, but I do not know if it is tunable.

The technology works, but each mineral processing must be treated with specific criteria.

6 years ago
David 6 years ago

Spanish forum is here

C. Arnold
6 years ago
C. Arnold 6 years ago
1 like by David

As Jamie points out the parameters for the Knelson are application specific. 

The mass pull from an XD20 is cone dependent, I've attached the spec sheet which has this information for each of the three cone possibilities (G5, G6, and G7).

As for concentrating time this will be based on;

  • of size distribution of the GRG (gravity recoverable gold), 
  • the feed rate to the machine,
  • if the unit is in closed with cyclones and grinding or open circuit
  • the feed grade and other factors



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