Pre concentration of Nickel and/or Cobalt sulphides using DMS? (2 replies)

7 years ago
Ausmet71 7 years ago

I am looking into a project that has substantial waste stockpiles expected to have moderate concentrations of Nickel, Copper, Ag and Cobalt.

They are mostly interested in the Nickel/Cobalt and more than likely not looking to make final metal/cathode rather to upgrade the ore for mine gate sale of the concentrate.

I am thinking that the majority of the target minerals are around 3+ SG and DMS might be a promising approach to upgrading/preconcentrating the ore.

Whenever I search for Nickel/Cobalt pre-concentration it is filled with flotation, but very little on gravity/DMS.

Wondering if anyone out there has some knowledge about this approach and/or reference materials.

7 years ago
David 7 years ago

I have a copy of Extractive Metallurgy of Nickel, Cobalt and Platinum Group Metals By Frank Kenneth Crundwell = the words DMS, HMS, Dense Media or Heavy Media do not appear anywhere in it.

Neither does Advances in Gravity Concentration contain the words Nickel or Cobalt.

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7 years ago
KRISHNADAS 7 years ago


We had treated copper sulphide ores in DMS and was successfull.

Could you send a particle size distribution of the ore , with metal concentrations in each size. This would enable us to predict the viability of DMS for preconcentration.

What are the gangue minerals in the ore.

As such DMS process recoveries are low around 45% for copper oxide ores, so a csot feasibility also needs to be done.


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