Precious Metals Suspended In Water (1 reply and 2 comments)

4 years ago
Reid 4 years ago

Hello Everyone,

Thank you for your time.  I would like feedback on a project we attempted years ago, and would be interested in your input.

I guess it would be best to tell you about the back story of what we are trying to do.  About 12 years ago we found a fresh water Artesian spring that contained traces of colloidal Gold(0.70 ppm), Silver(145.49 ppm), Platinum(1.41 ppm), Rhodium(0.99 ppm), Palladium(0.89 ppm), and Iridium(0.52 ppm).  We were trying to find a way to capture and convert these precious metals.  We found a unit in which we filled the cylinders with Anion Resin Beads that were designed to capture precious metals.  The unit would slowly pump the water through the cylinders and through the resin beads.  The final outcome was that the Resin Beads caught traces of the precious metals, but were plugged off quickly with colloidal Silica and Iron.  Soon after that we gave up on the project.  I have always thought that there must be a way to capture these precious metals, and it has never left my mind.

I'm not sure if there is equipment that can capture these precious metals, but I thought I would ask if anyone had any ideas.  Since this is a continuous flow, we aren't looking to capture all of the metals, just as much as possible.  Our spring delivers about 75 gallons per minute, so it's not a huge flow.

Todd H
4 years ago
Todd H 4 years ago


I would try activated carbon, perhaps treat the solution first to remove colloids and then adsorb on carbon, cheaper and easier than resin.


Todd Harvey - Global Resource Engineering

Todd Shores
4 years ago

Not knowing the specifics of the water you are working with, I can't promise you anything, but I believe our technology may help in your request.

4 years ago

Hi, do you know if the metals in your water are Cation or Anion ? What kind of analysis to get your metal quantities ?

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