Prevent the foaming slags during Gold Melting with induction furnace (1 reply)

7 years ago
katbilly 7 years ago

Hi, we have Merrill-Crowe Process and we refine the gold precipitate with induction furnace. We use;

40% Borax, 30% Nitre,15% silica

We have many problems with the stability of slags, after just one hour in induction furnace, we have a foamy slag effect and it's uncontrollable.

do you have some solutions ?

I checked in old topics of this forum and We not find nothing.

Thank you for your help.

Richard S
7 years ago
Richard S 7 years ago

The large amount of niter that you are using is likely contributing to the foaming.  Why do you need so much?  Do you have sulfides present in your concentrate that you are smelting?  It you don't need the oxidizing power for the smelt, I suggest you drop the % of niter to 10% or less and add some soda ash to replace it.  If you don't need any oxidizing power, you can substitute soda ash (sodium carbonate) for the niter.  If you do have sulfides, you can try calcining the concentrate at about 600C prior to smelting and drop the use of niter in the smelt flux.

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