Reichert cone (1 reply)

5 years ago
j.honarpazhouh 5 years ago

hello everyone

We have hematite deposit that Our ore contain hematite(65%), quartz(25%) and feldspar(10%), and at 400 micron about 80 percent of our hematite particles are free. in your opinion Can I use Reichert cone for ore concentrating? And which manufacturer you offer me to buy this equipment?

thank you

5 years ago
m_aazami 5 years ago

Dear Dr. Honarpazhouh


For your information the best gravitational method for  concentration of hematite is spiral system and Reichert cone has lower priority in comparison with spiral. 

first of all we need to know if you have enough water for your required concentration plant or not. 

just for your information, there are 2 other method for concentration of hematite:

1- Using SLON which is an advanced High intensity magnetic separator (and recently we have used it in iran as well ( in china there are many plant with SLON for hematite processing).  

2- the other method which doesn't need water (for producing Concentrate with about 60-62% Fe content) is magnetic roasting of hematite. in this method, hematite turn to magnetite using thermal processing (in different type of kiln).

we recently have used this method in pilot plant and achieved good results.

best regards


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