Separation of Alumina and MgO (1 reply)

4 years ago
Yathil 4 years ago

I am looking for methods that you may have for the separation of Alumina from MgO. I am working on a design for a refractory brick recycling plant and I need to separate these 2 oxides to have a viable final product.

Todd H
4 years ago
Todd H 4 years ago

It is not easy to separate oxides of this nature. Gravity wont work because their density is similar.  You could you pyrometallurgy but that is difficult and expensive.  I think you only option is to use flotation on finely ground material.  This will only work if you are able to work with a fine material for your final product.  Flotation wont be easy for these oxides but it my best suggestion.


Todd Harvey - Global Resource Engineering

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