Ball mill circuit design from F80 9.5mm to P80 130 microns (3 replies and 1 comment)

6 years ago
Hamid2017 6 years ago

Dear Specialists,

I'm designing a ball mill circuit to grind the crushed gold ore from F80 9.5mm to P80 130 microns, simulation showed if we use one ball mill it would be 3m x 4.3m with 800hp motor, and if I use 2 ball mills with same power then each would be 2.5m x 3.9m and 420hp, to split the power equally between 2 ball mills (first mill open circuit and second closed circuit with cyclone), the F80 and P80 of ball mills would be 9.5mm - 450 microns - 130 microns. the plant will be built under ground, therefore, it is preferred to use low profile, compact equipment and less quantities with larger size. please let me know from operation wise which circuit is more practical and has more advantages. 

Thanks in advance for your time and attention.


6 years ago
Mike 6 years ago

If it is underground, the first circuit has many advantages (actually above ground also).  As you mentioned the difference in power draw is 40 hp or 5%, plus less electrical equipment.  Also your working area will be about 1/3 less.   Grinding efficiency will be less but overall cost will be significantly less.

6 years ago
Hamid2017 6 years ago

Thanks SD, my concern is the big size reduction 9500/130 with using one ball mill, I don't have any reference for such circuit. 

6 years ago

That is a big size reduction for a single stage, even in underground it would be more likely to to do two stages. But more interestingly, why underground, The amount of excavation and ground control needed for a cavern to hold either option would be extensive. 9.5 mm is a reasonable pumping size to get it out of the mine.

6 years ago
NK 6 years ago

circuit one is best, circuit two although provides controlled production, its capital intensity, space required resulting in surging operational costs.if operational costs are managed well option 2 looks promising.

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