Ball Mill scale-up factors (3 replies)

8 years ago
(unknown) 8 years ago

Apart from Bond's EF factors (CA Rowland), what other scale-up factors are applied to lab BWI for large-scale ball mill sizing?

8 years ago
OberstGruppen 8 years ago

Do look into the Mib (Morrell 2008) it is a derivative of the bond BWi test and uses product size, feed size and Gbp to modify the index.

8 years ago
(unknown) 8 years ago

I'm not too sure modifying the Gbp only once is sufficient. Anyhow, Bond's wet to dry milling EF factor is 1.3, what's your view i.e. does dry milling consume 30% more power than wet milling?

Maya Rothman
8 years ago
Maya Rothman 8 years ago

The EF factors are usually sufficient to size a large ball mill. There used to be a discussion in the industry about whether they were suitable above, if I remember correctly, 18 ft diameter. That discussion is now over and large mills are successfully being sized up to 27 ft using Work Index methods (Esperanza).Do watch that if a SAG mill is feeding a ball mill, you must correct the ball mill.

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