Ball mill mass moment of inertia calculation (1 reply and 2 comments)

3 years ago
Sam_123 3 years ago

Hi everybody,

I want to calculate the mass moment of inertia of ballmill inorder to correctly size my motor & to calculate the starting time of motor.could someone help me.


3 years ago
Mike 3 years ago
1 like by David

To do it your way you would need the mill configuration to include each plate and bolt.  The exact charge in a new mill, plus the mass of ore and water.  Note the last two items are variable (well the mill charge is too due to wear and new media added, as well as mill linear wear).  This would then need to be integrated both cross sectionally and longitudinally.  Both of these would then need to be calculated at start up sthrough normal operation.  This is a very complex method.  And to get a good number you would also need to figure in your power factor as the mill speed changes.

Most just use a version of Bond's formula and calculations.  This has proved satisfacoty for many years for many mills.  see: SDM Mill Calculations here:


3 years ago

Dear Sir,

Thanks for your reply.I have gone through your SDM Mill calculation sheet.It is wonderful & very helpful calculation sheet. But I did not find moment of inertia calculation.could you please share the calculation.

Thanks & Regards


2 years ago

This is multi term integral based on a specific mill configuration. You would need to develope this for your mill based on the mill drawings, assumed charge and momentary feed rate. There is no general formula for calculation. Which is why it is never done unless for a research study.

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