Even allocation of slurry flow by distributor (2 replies and 1 comment)

2 years ago
Miigaa 2 years ago

Slurry material ground in a SAG mill feeds two ball mills in the grinding circuit. Which means one pipeline divides into two pipes through distributor (similar to cyclone pack head). Mostly, distributor could not allocate the slurry flow evenly, so the solid in slurry is likely to be more for ball mill 1 and less for ball mill 2, vice versa. As a result, ball mill 1 overloads and would lead decrease in total throughput. My question is how to allocate the slurry flow evenly into two pipelines by this type of distributor?  

2 years ago
Mike 2 years ago
1 like by Miigaa

First off if you can solve this easily you can become rich$$$$.  This is a common problem that many people have worked on, often with elaborate and complex solutions.   Unfortunately, due to solids flow in pipes and launderers being some what chaotic (flow term), even with high level cfd modeling (computational fluid dynamics) it is very difficult.   The best you can do is probably balancing the volume to each by using flow meters and pinch valves.  

So what can you do, first create a 3d model of your flow system.  Measure (over time) the flow and density of the SAG discharge.  This will require a measure of the particle size distribution over time also.  Then do cfd modeling of the system and modify the system to improve it.

see: https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C5&as_vis=1&q=Slurry+modeling+by+cfd+in+sag+discharge&btnG=


2 years ago

Thanks, I will look more into the cfd modelling. Also, not sure about whether pinch valve can be applicable for large particle size material with high volume flow.

2 years ago
Mike 2 years ago
1 like by Miigaa

As to high volume and large particles, pinch valves can be used.  You generally will not get 100% shut offf so other valves (gate) are needed for mintenance.  Also pneumatic actuating is best as can get better porportionality.

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