Flat bottom Vs Classical Hydrocyclones (3 replies and 1 comment)

6 years ago
Teggry 6 years ago

 Can anybody tell me please what the difference between Flat bottom cyclones and the standard conical ones?

And are they better or worse and why?

In what situations would they be preferable?


6 years ago
Abrie 6 years ago
1 like by David

Hi Teggry,

Depending what you want to achieve?


Flat bottom - flat cone before apex (spigot) , could be 180 degrees

Std Conical cones - cone angle anything from 8 to 30 degrees

When to use:

Flat bottoms have a very flat recovery curve and they are usually used for coarse separation.

Std Cone cyclones will be used for standard cyclone separation duties.


Standard cyclones can be inclined 15 to 45 degrees from horizontal to achieve coarser separation if this is required. (this will give a better recovery curve than flat bottom cyclones)

See interesting article attached.




6 years ago

Flat bottom cyclones will produce a poor sharpness of separation and coarse product but their by pass of fines is very low, so there are some applications in which they may be better.

6 years ago
ocastrosoto 6 years ago

Flat bottom hydrocyclones will produce a poor sharpness of separation and coarse product but their by pass of fines is very low, and very low water split. So there are some applications in which they may be better.

If you incline hydrocyclones you will produce similar results but, with better  sharpness of separation but the layout and space required may be an issue.

6 years ago
Mike 6 years ago

The most common use of flat bottom cyclones is in tailings operation, where you want to pull out the coarse sand to make the dikes.  

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